Outdoor 3D Archery Range, North of Toronto near Pottageville

I have decided to open an outdoor 3D archery range north of Toronto, close to Pottageville (north by north-west of Vaughan). I have already purchased the land and the range will be open to myself and former students. I just need to do some renovations / repairs to the property first, and buy a few new 3D targets because my old 3D targets are looking pretty sad.

Unlike other privately owned archery ranges, I am going to make mine free, but unfortunately you have to be a former student to get access to it (or even know where it is). I am keeping the location a secret so that only myself and former students can enjoy the range. I don't want no freeloading trespassers going on my property without my permission.

It is also cheaper for liability insurance purposes if I keep the range limited to myself, family, friends and students. If I open it to the public, the insurance skyrockets.

Having it open to a wider audience would also require me to do more maintenance, have to worry about membership dues, hire staff to clean/maintain the range, etc. That sounds like a whole lot of work and suffering for very little pay off.

What I want in contrast is a quiet little archery range, like a semi-secret club, where only myself and a select few people use the location, maintain it in a minimalist way, and we never have to worry about morons tramping through the place, making a mess, destroying things willy-nilly and behaving like imbeciles.

All 3D targets will be donated by myself, friends, family and students.

Also I am not going to have any moronic dinosaur 3D targets on my range. None of that nonsense. Only whitetail deer, moose, elk, black bears, brown bears, turkeys, rabbits, raccoons, and other small game 3D targets.

I know there are plenty of bowhunters out there who would love to shoot stupid Pokémon, but frankly I don't want any of that nonsense on my range.

People looking for archery lessons, please be advised I am not accepting any new students during 2016. I have had my fill.

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