Jim McKay from Toronto Parks is a pencil pushing moron who cannot do math

Yesterday I made a brief trip to the archery range at E. T. Seton to do some outdoor shooting. Having my own private indoor range (and now an outdoor 3D range that is currently being renovated) means that when I do shoot outside I usually do it north of the city. But sometimes it is nice to visit Toronto's archery range and do some practice closer to home.

I have been going to the E. T. Seton range for decades now. I have seen how it has changed over the years. Lots of youngsters these days, often shooting "weakling bows" in my opinion. Lots of clueless beginners too doing all sorts of stupid stuff like ignoring the safety rules.

During my trip yesterday I was astonished to see the targets were in such bad shape. Many had fallen down or were in a state of "about to fall down".

It was awful. I was physically upset by the lack of repairs. Clearly some pencil pusher was not doing their job and making sure the targets are kept in constant state of repair.

Upset about it, I decided to email the powers-that-be at Toronto Parks. Below is my unedited email:

To Whom It May Concern:

I was at the E T Seton archery range about 2 hours ago when one of the 30 yard targets fell down.
The other 30 yard target was already down, two more are down at the 20 yard distance and 3 more at that distance are close to collapsing.

Also according to the Olympic archers I spoke to one of the 70 yard targets has not been replaced since 2015 and looks to be in pretty bad shape.

So all in total, that is 8 target butts that need fixing. 8 out of 14. 57% of them.

Now fortunately I am smart enough to bring my own portable target because I shoot competitively and hunt, but I was really surprised and disappointed by what I saw today. I have never seen the archery range is such poor shape.

Whoever was in charge last year did an excellent job of it, but this year whoever is in charge seems to be sleeping at the wheel. I have been out to the range several times this year and the range seems to be in constant state of disrepair, but today is the worst I have ever seen it and I have been going there for decades now.

Happy Hunting!
Craig Murphy

A reply to my email came at 5:24 in the morning from a Mr Jim McKay of Toronto Parks. Who the heck answers work emails at 5:24 in the morning???

Thank you for your email, although not all of the information you were given is correct we have in fact replaced all the targets at least once this year, the shorter targets 3 times and have actually used up our supply for 2016, with archery obviously becoming more popular we have had to order more butt product which we should have within the next 10 days


Sent from the iPhone of Jim McKay General Supervisor Parks Operation please excuse all spelling and grammatical errors

Okay, so after reading this I was confused. There was no way in hell the 20 yard target butts got repaired 3 times this year. That would be a huge freaking record if it was true. It would mean they were all repaired in May, all repaired in April, all repaired in June, and then fell apart in July. 5 target butts x 3 times = 15. That would be amazing.

Except I knew immediately that this Jim McKay guy must be ****ing clueless. Some moronic pencil pusher who cannot do math.

So I went to archerytoronto.ca website, where I know the archery community of Toronto keeps track of the repairs, how often they are done, when targets fall down, when they are replaced, and sometimes post photos of the broken butts or freshly repaired butts.

So I checked. And I quickly learned that Jim McKay is either clueless and incompetent or he is a liar who likes his BS. It is one or the other.

Thus today, I responded to his email. However this time I swore quite a bit, so I am going to edit this email so it is more family friendly.


Then why is there still a target up from 2015?

You can tell which one it is just by looking at it. It is the one that has turned grey from age. Use your ****ing eyes.

You are saying that the shorter targets were replaced 3 times this year? 3 x 5 equals 15??? That is so much ****ing BS. There is no way that they replaced 5 of them in May, replaced 5 of them again in June, and replaced 5 of them again in July. And you know why? Because they weren't in need of replacements or fixing in June. They were perfectly fine in June. The May ones were the same ones that were up until July and then started falling apart.

You need to check your math moron.

I even checked up on the archerytoronto.ca website, where they keep track of all the repairs, when targets collapse, etc. They say that only 13 out of 14 targets have been repaired 13 times this year, once each, ignoring the one which is still clinging on 2015.

According to the website:

Two of the 70s were fixed during the first week of July. = 2
One 60 yard target and one 70 was fixed on June 29th. = 2
Three of the 20s were fixed on April 29th. = 3
During late May / early April two of 20s were fixed, along with two 30s and two 50s. = 6

Sum total: 13 repairs.

Someone should paint the month on the sides of them when they are installed so people can confirm they were installed in a particular month. That way in the future when morons like you come along we can just look at the date on the side of the target butt and know when it was installed.

Now okay, maybe you're some-kind of pencil pushing bureaucrat who never gets out of his comfy chair and apparently doesn't know how to keep track of repairs and the total number of repairs done. If you did, then you would know only 13 of the 14 target butts have been repaired this year.

Someone should fire your ass for incompetence because apparently you can't add 2+2+3+6 = 13. Do your ****ing job and buy a ****ing calculator!

Oh and incidentally the repairs last year, according to Archery News archive, lists 24 butts being repaired during 2015. So you cannot tell me that you ran out of supply. That is ****ing BS.

Happy Hunting!
Craig Murphy

Now I admit I like to let off steam by swearing, but in this case I feel it was justified. Jim McKay is obviously some-kind of pencil pushing moron who cannot do math.

According to him all the target butts were replaced at least once, and the 20 yard targets replaced 3 times.

That would be 14 + 5 + 5 = 24.

And honestly, if that were true, it would be pretty nice for the E. T. Seton archery range. Except it isn't true. The Toronto archery community would have noticed if they had repaired the target butts that often. They keep track of these things.

In my experience, when a target butt at that range goes up it lasts about 3 to 12 months before it needs to be repaired / replaced. The longer distance targets might only get replaced once per year, and the shorter distances get repaired twice or sometimes even three times per year.

May-June-July, repairs, and July-August-September, and maybe October-to-April if they last through the winter and are regularly repaired. They are most definitely not being repaired once in May, once in June and once in July, as shown by the record of repairs listed above in my email.

If I get a response from that moron Jim McKay I will add it up here too.

Happy Hunting!
Craig Murphy

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