Where to take your kids for archery lessons

How many times do I have to tell people I don't teach kids before they get it through their thick skulls?

Not so long ago I wrote the article linked below because I needed to emphasize that I only teach adults.

Adults Only Archery Lessons

But apparently some people don't bother to read things.

So I shall try again.

If you are looking for archery lessons for your kids I have several recommendations:

#1. Sign your kids up for archery camp. There is a list of available day camps and summer camps on ArcheryToronto.ca.

#2. Sign your kids up for Boy Scouts / Girl Guides. Many archers get their first shots in by joining scouts. It is a very common way to learn archery.

#3. Learn archery yourself and then teach your kids. This way you learn how to do it too, and your kids can learn from your example.

So in conclusion please stop asking me to teach your kids. I only teach people who are 18 or older.

Also I only teach people who sign up for 10 or more lessons. So asking me to teach your 7 year old "1 lesson" just annoys me because evidently you cannot read.

Also for future reference I tend to drop the F-bomb a lot. So do you really want your kids learning some new words from someone who swears like a sailor?

If you are looking for archery lessons in 2016 or 2017 I am currently accepting prebookings. Adults only. Minimum 10 lessons. Don't waste my time if you are a commitment-phobe.

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