The Primal Gear Folding Survival Bow Vs the SAS Tactical Survival Bow

What wussies thought up these two junky bows and then decided to market them as "survival bows"?

They should be dragged out in to streets and publicly shamed for making a pair of gimmicky pieces of ****.

And I am only getting started.

The two bows you see below are the:

Primal Gear Folding Survival Bow

SAS Tactical Survival Bow

Above and Below: Primal Gear Folding Bow

Above and Below: SAS Folding Bow

Neither of the above two bows are worthy of the name "survival bow". They may be folding bows, but just because they can fold up nicely does not make them a "survival bow".

Lets start with how I first got introduced to these two particular brands of gimmicky folding bows. It all began with an archery lesson three years when one of my students (who was learning compound bows at the time) brought with him the Primal Gear Folding Bow (I refuse to call that hunk of junk a "survival bow") so he could show it to me.

Having shot many longbows before, and also having made my own survival bows, I immediately noted the following design flaws:

  • Limb design is the wrong shape, they should be more like an elongated triangle.
  • Limbs too thick from lower limb to mid limb. Too thick limbs hurts speed.
  • Why the heck is it made out of metal? Wood is faster than metal, no matter what the tensile strength is.
  • The designers sacrificed a lot to make the bow able to fold - the limbs are too short and the riser is too long. They only did that so that they would be able to fold the limbs into the riser.
  • The arrow rest is basically two pieces of soft plastic on top of metal. Wrong shape too, it should be a D shape, not a ] shape.

I took the bow from the student, shot it five times and handed it back to them and said the following:

"You should return it and get your money back."

Which is pretty polite by my standards.

That bow is a travesty of bad design and poor thinking. It is all gimmick, no accuracy, horrible design. Anyone trying to sell that bow should be ashamed of themselves as a bowyer.

No less than a year later another student came to me with a similar bow. The SAS Tactical Survival Bow - there is nothing tactical about that waste of metal. Nor is it worthy of the name Survival, hence why I stroked it out. It suffers from many of the same design problems as the Primal Gear Folding Bow.

Same problems. Same lack of bowyer knowledge. Horrible accuracy. Complete waste of money.

The makers of these bows really should be ashamed of themselves.

People like Doug Shadwell, the director of SAS. I don't know if he designed the bow or if someone else did, but if he did then he is a ******* moron.

Or maybe he is a brilliant ******* for making money off a gimmicky bow. I am not sure which. I cannot begrudge someone the brilliance of selling a piece of **** for $200.

Or both. Horrible at making bows. Brilliant for selling **** and turning it into gold.

Nevertheless, Doug Shadwell should be ashamed of himself. He is every bit as bad as snake oil salesmen. Is snake oil actually good for curing some illnesses? Maybe a few illnesses. But not every illness. And it most certainly is not worth the money that foolish people paid for something that is not a cure for whatever ails them.

Doug Shadwell and whatever idiot from Primal Gear (if you know their name please send me an email) are a pair of snake oil salesmen selling horrible bows for $200 and ripping off foolish people who don't know anything about bow design.

And that really pisses me off.

What if someone in the future is in a real survivor situation and then try to use either a Primal Gear or SAS bow? They will probably end up dying because the bows are so inaccurate and poorly designed.

And that means the companies are at fault (legally speaking), but how would they ever prove it when the archer in question is dead - presumably mauled by a bear or a rabid wolf or something.

So my message to people: "If you want to live, don't buy either of those fake survivor bows."

Get a compound or a crossbow. Or get some bow making lessons so you know how to make your own bows. Any of those things are better than buying a fake survivor bow...

See Past Posts about Survivalism:

In case of emergency, which is best? Bow, Air Rifle or Snares?

The Wussification of Survivalism in Video Games

Survivor Bows - Skip the PVC, use WOOD!!!

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