The Wussification of Archery

Ever since the Hunger Games came out I have seen a disturbing trend amongst new archers.

I call it the "Katniss doesn't know how to shoot trend". People see her archery form and then think that is proper way to shoot and to hunt.

What it is the problem that the actress was apparently taught how to shoot Olympic style, but her character is supposed to be a hunter. But Olympic style is USELESS for hunting because the riser is in the way and you can't see the target, the foliage in the way, etc properly. For hunting you need to be able to see everything in front of you clearly.

And I am not alone in this. Many hunters and even non hunters agree with me. Jennifer Lawrence was taught the wrong style of archery for hunting. Olympic style might sound like a great idea, but it shows a complete lack of knowledge on the part of the people making the film

I even found this video below which explains why Katniss shoots wrong in multiple different ways.

He also points out things like how Katniss uses her fingers wrong over the tip of the arrow - which is a mistake commonly done by complete amateurs.

What I also find disturbing is the number of young archers who are getting into Olympic style archery - and then thinking they can HUNT with an Olympic bow. Last year I even heard a guy called Colin Low at the archery range bragging about how he could hunt with his recurve bow (an Olympic recurve no less), which looked like it was only 20 lbs or so.

Let me make this utterly clear. You cannot HUNT with a freaking Olympic recurve bow - for multiple reasons.

#1. The bows don't have the power to actually kill the animal. Hunting with anything less than 40 lbs is illegal - and 95% of Olympic bows are under 36 lbs.

#2. The sight on an Olympic bow is designed for shooting at 70 meters - a very specific range. With hunting you don't know what the range is to the target, instead you have to learn how to gauge your distance to the target using your eyes so you have a good idea of where to aim in order to hit the animal accurately.

#3. Olympic archery arrows are designed to be lightweight and do almost no damage when they hit the target. Hunting arrows are heavier and carry more power and momentum when they hit the target, making the arrows more damaging and killing the animal faster and ethically.

#4. Lightweight bows suck at shooting long distances. If you want to shoot long distances learn to shoot a traditional longbow, shortbow or a compound bow. Or even better, a crossbow!

#5. Lightweight bows have shoddy accuracy at long distances because they have lower fps speeds. Slower arrows = lower accuracy.

So my message to Colin Low and other wussies out there who think they can hunt with an Olympic bow, pull your head out of your arse and learn some laws of physics and also Ontario's hunting laws because it shows you have a complete lack of knowledge when it comes to archery.

And this is pretty prevalent now thanks to all the archery in movies lately. It is all these wussies who took up archery in the last 2 years - people like Colin - who think they know archery and in reality they don't know diddly squat.

Another thing that bothers me is how wussies like Colin Low promote the idea of shooting lightweight bows - because they're wussies who can't pull anything over 36 lbs. It shows a lack of ambition on their part, meaning they are confining themselves to shorter distances because they don't want to challenge themselves to shoot further. And this is true, because whenever I have seen that loser at the Toronto archery range he is always shooting at the 20 and 30 yard ranges. He NEVER shoots at anything further than 30 yards.

Wussies like Colin who get into archery because of the Hunger Games are ruining archery. They are turning it into a lightweight low accuracy "leisure sport" - and worse, they are promoting unethical hunting.

Let me be utterly clear here. Shooting an Olympic bow at 20 to 30 yards is NOT a challenge. Any moron can shoot an Olympic bow and get the same level of accuracy as Colin does. The bow is so dependent on gadgets you basically cannot miss at short distances.

If you want to learn to shoot like a pro then you need to get a compound bow, a longbow or a crossbow. Something with a lot of POWER so you can shoot at targets really far away with a lot more accuracy.

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