The Importance of Ethical Hunting

If you want to be a hunter I think it is especially important that you learn the difference between trophy hunting, poaching, illegal hunting, unethical hunting and ethical hunting.

#1. Trophy Hunting - Hunting so you can take a photo bragging about your kill. Trophy hunters typically go after big game like moose, wolves, bears, lions, elephants, tigers, etc. They have no interest in eating their kills and just want to pose with them - and possibly have the animal stuffed.

#2. Poaching - Hunting without a hunting license - or hunting in a region where hunting is expressly forbidden - or hunting animals on the endangered species list. eg. Hunting elephants is illegal in most countries.

#3. Illegal Hunting - Hunting without a hunting license, hunting with a bow or crossbow that doesn't have the minimum power for that animal, hunting in an area where hunting is forbidden, and hunting with fieldpoints instead of broadheads.

#4. Unethical Hunting - Shooting to injure an animal only (with no intention to kill), shooting with less than legal power requirements, shooting animals in non vital areas.

#5. Ethical Hunting - Following all of the local hunting laws and killing the animal quickly with a shot to the vitals.

Below are some photos showing the results of unethical shots by hunters - the one with the duck doesn't even have a broadhead on it, so that is very unethical.

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