I might have to write a book...

During the past year of not teaching compound I have had a lot of time to think.

And it makes me think that maybe I should write a book.

Except I am not a particularly good writer, in my opinion. I tend to just say stuff and then write it how I would say it.

But if I am not teaching compounds because of COVID I am wondering if I should just write a book instead, on the topic of compound bows.

Asides from me being crap at writing however I do wonder what I would say that is different from other writers / compound bow instructors, who are certainly better at writing than I am.

So I need to think on this.

I cannot just write a book "just because I can" or because "I should". I should write it because I have something special to say, something worth saying that people will actually want to read.


I definitely need to think about this.

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