Kisser Buttons on Compound Bows with Peep Sights

Some compound shooters like to put a kisser button on their compound bow, in addition to a peep sight.

To which you might think, big deal? Wouldn't that give them more accuracy?

Nope. Think again.

A Kisser Button is a tied on button or knot on the bowstring which the archer pulls to their mouth, and serves to help anchor their shot. It is typically used by Olympic recurve shooters who are not certain of their anchor spot.

The Peep Sight is a tiny doughnut shaped piece of plastic which is attached to the bowstring, and serves in a similar fashion to a rear sight on a rifle. On a rifle you line up the front and rear sights and then you shoot. The peep sight and the front sights on a compound bow work roughly the same way.

Now imagine for example if you have BOTH on your compound bow and they are not setup correctly?

In other words you are pulling back the bow, you pull the kisser to your mouth, but you cannot see through the peep sight properly. So you pull the peep upwards/downwards a bit so now it lines up better - but then the kisser doesn't line up...

And it doesn't need to. The peep sight is doing its job. You don't need the kisser button when you have a peep sight. The peep sight TRUMPS the kisser button.

Next let us pretend you did have them setup correctly, and the kisser button pulls back to your mouth and the peep sight is on the right level for your eyes. Well then everything will be fine (but it won't give you any extra accuracy to have the kisser button) - as long as you are on level ground and using the peep sight properly...

As we hunters know we are often NOT on level ground. We might be shooting uphill, downhill, downwards from a tree stand, around obstacles, etc. You will be often tilting your waist and changing the geometry of your body, neck and head positioning - this in turn makes the kisser button obsolete for anything other than being another crutch for Olympic recurve shooters.

My advice. Stick to the Peep Sight if you want to be hunting with a compound bow. Gives you far more benefits.

Now let us pretend you did not have a peep sight. Well then, yes, you could learn to shoot with a kisser button at your anchor spot. But if you have a peep sight, then you might as well use it so you get the extra accuracy.

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