Don't be a wussy, learn to shoot a real bow!

Hey Toronto!

Don't be a wussy.

I know there are lots of you out there shooting recurve bows with low poundages - because that is all your feeble arms can pull - but I am here to say you don't have to be a wussy.

Learn to shoot a REAL bow, like a crossbow or a compound bow.

Learn to hunt! Learn to kill!

Learn to carve the meat off the bones of the deer, moose, elk or even bears that you kill!

Learn to feast on the flesh of animals you killed with your bow.

Recurve bows may look good at the Olympics, but when compared to compound bows and crossbows they are horrible. They aren't even legal when it comes to hunting because they will only injure the poor animal instead of killing it.

At Survivor Archery of Toronto I firmly believe in the practice of ethical killing of animals. You cannot let them suffer. Kill them properly with the first shot in the heart or lungs and they go down quickly and easily.

That is why accuracy is important! So if you are a hunter or want to be a hunter, you need to practice your skills and develop amazing accuracy.

Sign up for 10 archery / bowhunting lessons for $900 and I will teach you how to get amazing accuracy with your compound bow or crossbow.

Don't wuss out on me just because that seems like a lot of money. Each lesson is 2 hours long and includes lots of hunting tips, survival tips, tips on tracking animals and even cooking tips on the best ways to serve venison!

These lessons are not just for men either. If you are a woman and you want to learn to shoot a compound bow, lets get started right away. Or if you are a couple who both want to learn how to shoot a compound bow or crossbow, let me know and I can get you on the right track towards hunting (and tracking) like a pro!

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